
Did You Know School Apps Often Share Student Data with Third Parties?

Written by Me2B Alliance
May 12, 2021

Cartoon Graphic: 60% of school apps leak students' information to big tech

Me2B Alliance (Me2BA) research recently found that 60% of the school apps we reviewed were sending student data to potentially high-risk third parties without knowledge or consent.

The Me2B Alliance is a nonprofit fostering the respectful treatment of people by technology.  We’re a new type of standards development organization – defining the standard for respectful technology.  

We’re working to raise awareness around the unacceptable amount of student data shared with third parties – particularly advertisers and analytics platforms – in school apps. 

We believe that people have too little information about which third parties they’re sharing data with when they use an app. We encourage Apple and Google to make this information more clear in their App stores. 

Scenarios like the ones described in our report – where user data is being abused, even inadvertently – highlight the types of issues we are driven to prevent through independent testing, as well as education, research, policy work, and advocacy.