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Consumer Safety Scorecard for CCPA’s Formal Rulemaking

Consumer Safety Scorecard for CCPA’s Formal Rulemaking

Our first application of the ISL Consumer Safety Scorecard for Regulation is for the California Consumer Privacy Act regulations recently proposed by the CPPA. It was a bit unusual to apply the scorecard to rulemaking—and not to the entire regulation—but we hope you’ll find it helpful.

Introducing the ISL Consumer Safety Scorecard for Regulation

Introducing the ISL Consumer Safety Scorecard for Regulation

Unveiling a more efficient and practical way to evaluate proposed regulations. The ISL Consumer Safety Scorecard for Regulation compares the text of proposed regulations against our “must have” regulation safety principles to arrive at an overall ISL safety score for the regulation.

A Responsible Reporting Nightmare: Right-clicking is Not a Crime

A Responsible Reporting Nightmare: Right-clicking is Not a Crime

This is a story of a politician who cried “hacker” after a reporter informed a state agency that sensitive information was embedded in their website’s HTML source code. While we wish this was a joke or fictional story it, unfortunately, is not. This real-world example underscores the notion that there is a real need for Policymakers to understand how technology works and behaves.



Many policymakers have been interested in protecting children’s privacy and expanding COPPA. Recently, Me2BA alongside a coalition of advocacy groups endorsed Representative Castor’s Kids PRIVCY ACT. We’re proud to support this bill, but we urge members in Congress to address non-profit carve outs in data privacy laws.

Me2BA supports ending all surveillance advertising on children

Me2BA supports ending all surveillance advertising on children

A new report from our friends at Fairplay, Reset Australia and Global Action Plan revealed how Facebook’s recent ad policy changes are no more than a bait and switch because now instead of marketers targeting children, Facebook has algorithms do the dirty work instead.

Me2BA and a coalition of other advocacy groups signed on to urge Facebook/Meta to end all surveillance advertising to adolescents.