Cancel Recurring Donation

How can I cancel my recurring donation?

Donors can manage their recurring donations directly with Stripe or PayPal. Please use the corresponding link below based on the original payment method. If you’re not sure what your payment method was, please check your confirmation email from us with the subject line “Thank you for your recurring donation to Internet Safety Labs” – your payment method will be indicated near the bottom of the email.

Manage Recurring Donation made with a credit card on Stripe

  1. Visit the Internet Safety Labs Stripe Customer Portal.
  2. Enter the email address used when you made your donation.
  3. Check your email for the customer portal login email and click the Login link.
  4. To cancel your recurring donation, click “Cancel plan”.

Manage recurring donation made with PayPal

  1. Log in to your PayPal dashboard on the PayPal website with the PayPal account used to make your donations
  2. If you have a PayPal Personal account:
    1. Go to Settings.
    2. Click Payments.
    3. Select Automatic payments.
    4. Select the merchant “Me2B Alliance, Inc. doing business as Internet Safety Labs”. On this page, you can cancel the automatic payment and change the backup funding source.
  3. If you have a PayPal Business account:
    1. Go to Account Settings.
    2. Click Money, Banks and Cards.
    3. Click Manage Automatic Payments.
    4. Select the merchant “Me2B Alliance, Inc. doing business as Internet Safety Labs”. On this page, you can cancel the automatic payment and change the backup funding source.
  4. For more information or instructions for managing recurring donations in the PayPal app, check out this help article from PayPal.

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Internet Safety Labs is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization EIN# 84-4115119. Donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowable by law.